List of the Subjects
(Credits: Theory-04, Practicals-02)
Theory: 60 Lectures
Topics Covered in the Notes
Fundamentals of Dynamics: Reference frames. Inertial frames, Review of Newton’s Laws of Motion. Galilean transformations. Galilean invariance. Momentum of variablemass system: motion of rocket. Motion of a projectile in uniform gravitational field. Dynamics of a system of particles. Centre of Mass. Principle of conservation of momentum. Impulse.
(7 Lectures)
Work and Energy: Work and Kinetic Energy Theorem. Conservative and nonconservative forces. Potential Energy. Energy diagram. Stable and unstable equilibrium. Elastic potential energy. Force as gradient of potential energy. Work & Potential energy. Work done by non-conservative forces. Law of conservation of Energy. (5 Lectures)
Collisions: Elastic and inelastic collisions between particles. Centre of Mass and Laboratory frames.
(4 Lectures)
Rotational Dynamics: Angular momentum of a particle and system of particles. Torque. Principle of conservation of angular momentum. Rotation about a fixed axis. Moment of Inertia. Calculation of moment of inertia for rectangular, cylindrical and spherical bodies. Kinetic energy of rotation. Motion involving both translation and rotation.
(12 Lectures)
Elasticity: Review of relation between Elastic constants. Twisting torque on a Cylinder or Wire (only qualitative discussion).
(2 Lectures)
Gravitation: Law of gravitation. Gravitational potential energy. Inertial & gravitational mass. Potential and field due to spherical shell and solid sphere.
(3 Lectures)
Central force Motion: Motion of a particle under a central force field. Two-body problem and its reduction to one-body problem and its solution. The energy equation and energy diagram. Kepler’s Laws. Satellite in circular orbit & applications.
(6 Lectures)
Oscillations: Review of SHM (Simple Harmonic Oscillations. Differential equation of SHM and its solution. Kinetic energy, potential energy, total energy and their time average values). Damped oscillation. Forced oscillations: Transient and steady states; Resonance, sharpness of resonance; power dissipation and Quality Factor.
(7 Lectures)
Non-Inertial Systems: Non-inertial frames and fictitious forces. Uniformly rotating frame. Laws of Physics in rotating coordinate systems. Centrifugal force. Coriolis force and its applications.
(4 Lectures)
Special Theory of Relativity: Michelson-Morley Experiment and its outcome. Postulates of Special Theory of Relativity. Lorentz Transformations. Simultaneity and order of events. Lorentz contraction. Time dilation. Relativistic transformation of velocity, frequency and wave number. Relativistic addition of velocities. Variation of mass with velocity. Massless Particles. Mass-energy Equivalence. Relativistic Doppler effect. Relativistic Kinematics. Transformation of Energy & Momentum.
(10 Lectures)
Reference Books:
- An introduction to mechanics, D. Kleppner, R.J. Kolenkow, 1973, McGraw-Hill.
- Mechanics, Berkeley Physics, vol.1, C. Kittel, W. Knight, 2007, Tata McGraw-Hill.
- Physics, Resnick, Halliday and Walker 8/e. 2008, Wiley.
- Analytical Mechanics, G.R. Fowles and G.L. Cassiday. 2005, Cengage Learning.
- Feynman Lectures, Vol.I, R.P.Feynman, R.B.Leighton, M.Sands, 2008, Pearson Education
- Mechanics, D.S. Mathur, S.Chand and Company Limited, 2000.
- University Physics. F.W Sears, M.W Zemansky, H.D Young 13/e, 1986, Addison Wesley
- Physics for scientists and Engineers with Modern Phys., J.W.Jewett, R.A.Serway, 2010,Cengage Learning .
- Theoretical Mechanics, M.R. Spiegel, 2006, Tata McGraw Hill.
- Class Notes
- Mechanics by D S Mathur.
- An introduction to mechanics, D. Kleppner
- D U Vle Notes
with regards,
with regards,
Hello, i have some enquiry regarding the pdf, is the oscillation portion included in the pdf ? Cause i couldnt find it . If not can you add to it ?
ReplyDeleteIs oscillations portion not included in this pdf? I could not found in the notes provided above thank you for you time .